Dr. Nan-Dirk Mulder
Nan-Dirk Mulder is a senior analyst animal protein, and covers the industry from an international perspective. He is based in Rabobank’s headquarter in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Before his appointment at RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness, Nan-Dirk worked for the Product Boards for Livestock, Meat and Eggs (PVE) and the Agricultural Economic Research Institute (LEI) in the Netherlands.
Since joining Rabobank, Nan-Dirk advises the bank on global commitments in the animal protein sectors. He has also been involved in the bank’s many advisory and research activities in these sectors and has built an in-depth knowledge on key strategic issues in these industries. Nan-Dirk has advised and participated in projects on all continents of the world. He is a regular speaker at conferences and seminars all over the world.
Nan-Dirk graduated in agricultural economics, marketing and market research from the Netherlands’ Wageningen Agricultural University in 1996.