Gavin Hall
A career civil servant who spent the past twenty years working for the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (the Regulatory Agency with responsibility for Veterinary Medicines in the UK) in the regulation of veterinary medicines. During this time, until the start of the transition period of the UK Exit from the European Union, I was the UK representative serving on the veterinary Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures (CMDv), a group I chaired between September 2014 and September 2017. I also served as the UK veterinary representative to the Commissions Notice to Applicants Group, attended the quarterly meetings of the EU Heads of Medicines Agencies, and participated in a number of Commission and EU network working groups. Prior to joining the VMD I worked for the Department for Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) in the business improvement division working with quality assurance schemes, benchmarking, process mapping and business process reengineering.